July 2, 2020 | 23:03

K3s Upgrade: A Simplified Guide


This blog was originally featured as a guide in kubezilla community.


K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution which runs with a very small footprint and is a suitable candidate for edge computing. K3s is capable of nearly everything k8s can do. It is just a more lightweight version. It is the ONLY certified Kubernetes distribution built for IoT & Edge computing. It is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances. It is packaged as a single <40MB binary that reduces the dependencies and steps needed to install, run and auto-update a production Kubernetes cluster. K3s is optimized for ARM. Both ARM64 and ARMv7 are supported with binaries and multi-arch images available for both. K3s works great from something as small as a Raspberry Pi to an AWS a1.4xlarge 32GiB server.

If you are running some old version of k3s and want to upgrade to some new stable version, then this is the guide for you. In this blog, we are going to discuss the automated way for k3s upgrade compared to the manual way.


Steps for k3s upgradation

  • k3s cluster (which you want to upgrade)
  • kubectl (to communicate with k3s cluster)
  • KUBECONFIG env pointing to your kubernetes config file
Connect to the cluster

First connect to your k3s cluster and list down all the k8s nodes.

# Ensure KUBECONFIG env is pointing to your kubernetes config file
$ kubtctl get nodes
NAME               STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
kube-node-c982     Ready    <none>   130m   v1.16.3-k3s1
kube-master-ce86   Ready    master   131m   v1.16.3-k3s1
kube-node-4d85     Ready    <none>   130m   v1.16.3-k3s1

As you can see all the nodes are running v1.16.3-k3s1 of k3s.

Install the system-upgrade-controller

The k3s cluster upgradation is handled by a controller named system-upgrade-controller which leverages a custom resource definition (CRD), the plan, and a controller that schedules upgrades based on the configured plans. This system-upgrade-controller need to be installed as a deployment in your k3s cluster. To install it run following command:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/system-upgrade-controller/master/manifests/system-upgrade-controller.yaml

You should see the upgrade controller starting in system-upgrade namespace as shown below.

$ kubectl get all -n system-upgrade
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/system-upgrade-controller-7fff98589f-8cjsv   1/1     Running   0          23s

NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/system-upgrade-controller   1/1     1            1           24s

NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/system-upgrade-controller-7fff98589f   1         1         1       24s
Configure Plans

The Plan defines upgrade policies and requirements. The controller schedules upgrades by monitoring these plans and selecting nodes to run upgrade jobs on it. So lets create two plans: one for server (master) nodes and other one for agent (worker) nodes. The following two example plans will upgrade your cluster to k3s v1.18.4+k3s1.

# Server plan
apiVersion: upgrade.cattle.io/v1
kind: Plan
  name: server-plan
  namespace: system-upgrade
  concurrency: 1
  cordon: true
    - key: k3s-master-upgrade
      operator: In
      - "true"
  serviceAccountName: system-upgrade
    image: rancher/k3s-upgrade
  version: v1.18.4+k3s1
# Agent plan
apiVersion: upgrade.cattle.io/v1
kind: Plan
  name: agent-plan
  namespace: system-upgrade
  concurrency: 1
  cordon: true
    - key: k3s-worker-upgrade
      operator: In
      - "true"
    - prepare
    - server-plan
    image: rancher/k3s-upgrade
  serviceAccountName: system-upgrade
    image: rancher/k3s-upgrade
  version: v1.18.4+k3s1

There are few important fields to notice in above plans.

  • There are two plans: server-plan and agent-plan to define upgrade policies for both types of nodes in k3s.
  • The concurrency field: that defines how many nodes can be upgraded at the same time.
  • The nodeSelector field is used to specify nodes to which a particular plan will be applied. In our case nodes with label k3s-master-upgrade=true targets master nodes while label k3s-worker-upgrade=true targets worker nodes of k3s.
  • The prepare field in the agent-plan will cause upgrade jobs for that plan to wait for the server-plan to complete before they execute. So as to ensure that all master nodes are upgraded prior to the worker nodes.
  • The image: rancher/k3s-upgrade field specify the k3s-upgrade image which is responsible of upgrading k3s version via the System Upgrade Controller, it does so by replacing the k3s binary with the new version and killing the old k3s process allowing the supervisor to restart k3s with the new version.
  • The version field specify the version of k3s to which we need to upgrade. In our case, it is set to version v1.18.4+k3s1. Alternatively, you can skip the version field altogether by using another field channel: https://update.k3s.io/v1-release/channels/stable using which we can ask plan to pull latest stable version of k3s.
Assign labels to nodes

Label the nodes that you want to upgrade with the right label:

# For master nodes
kubectl label node <node-name> k3s-master-upgrade=true
# For worker nodes
kubectl label node <node-name> k3s-worker-upgrade=true

In our case its:

$ kubectl label node kube-master-ce86 k3s-master-upgrade=true
node/kube-master-ce86 labeled
$ kubectl label node kube-node-c982  k3s-worker-upgrade=true
node/kube-node-c982 labeled
$ kubectl label node kube-node-4d85 k3s-worker-upgrade=true
node/kube-node-4d85 labeled
Apply plans

Now apply the plans defined above using kubectl apply command.

$ kubectl apply -f plans.yaml
plan.upgrade.cattle.io/server-plan created
plan.upgrade.cattle.io/agent-plan created
$ kubectl get plans -n system-upgrade
NAME          AGE
server-plan   14s
agent-plan    14s

As soon as you apply the plan, the controller will detect it and will begin the upgrade process. On the other hand, if you update any existing plans the controller will re-evaluate the plan and will determine if another upgrade is needed.

Verify the upgrade

You can monitor the progress of an upgrade by viewing the plan and jobs via kubectl:

kubectl -n system-upgrade get plans -o yaml
kubectl -n system-upgrade get jobs -o yaml

Once the upgrade is done. Verify the new installed version on all the nodes using kubectl:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME               STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
kube-master-ce86   Ready    master   147m   v1.18.4+k3s1
kube-node-c982     Ready    <none>   147m   v1.18.4+k3s1
kube-node-4d85     Ready    <none>   147m   v1.18.4+k3s1

The k3s-upgrade and system-upgrade-controller makes the overall k3s upgrade process easier compared to the manual upgrade method with a minimal downtime as the k3s upgradation proceeds in rolling deployment fashion.

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